Chair of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology

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Ceremonial act: 10th anniversary of the students’ ultrasound laboratory


The Chair of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology celebrates the 10th anniversary of the students’ ultrasound lab of LMU’s Veterinary faculty. For this reason a ceremonial act takes place at the institute on April 19th, 2018 at 2 pm.

We happily invite all professors, teachers, students and staff of the faculty.

Professor Cordula Poulsen Nautrup had founded this ultrasound laboratory in 2008, in order to significantly enhance the students’ practical skills. LMU is the only university in German-speaking countries, where an ultrasound laboratory for students is permanently established for 10 years. For many years LMU is pioneer in this field of students’ training. The ultrasound lab is very popular among the students, because they have the unique possibility to learn and train the ultrasound examination and echocardiography practically with their own animals, mostly dogs and cats, however rabbits or even snakes are as well possible. To achieve the highest quality standard of the training, specially-qualified instructors, veterinarians with a long-term experience in diagnostic ultrasound, help the students to carry out the examination properly.

Professor Poulsen Nautrup tragically passed away in 2017. In appreciation her achievements for the institute and students’ education in the ultrasound laboratory, the laboratory will be named

“Professor Cordula Poulsen Nautrup Ultrasound Laboratory”

during the ceremonial act.